Stopping Quick and Quiet Quitting in the Workplace

Whether it’s quick, quiet, or traditional quitting, there is a problem with retaining employees right now. Quick quitting, where an employee suddenly leaves, or quiet quitting, where an employee does the bare minimum for their job has become quite an issue in the workforce and is costing employers time and money.

This being a common occurrence at your workplace can be detrimental to morale, productivity, and the bottom line. So how do you fight against this new trend? There’s no concrete answer, but an engaged employee should be less likely to suddenly leave. A company culture that keeps employees focused, interactive, and striving for personal growth can help keep employees happy. Even if in this positive, engaging environment an employee is unhappy, they’re more likely to take part in a conversation to resolve the issue at hand.

A positive culture can exist in so many ways that it’s feasible for every workplace. Recognizing employees, good management strategies, and a focus on employees’ personal growth are all ways to create a positive work environment. Along with an environment, benefits are crucial to maintaining and hiring talent in the workplace. These can all go hand in hand, working with each other to make your workplace a desired employer. Feel free to reach out anytime to talk about how you can stay a sought-after employer.

 G. Kevin Nemith ,  Hilb Group Delaware  

Xavier Bodnar , Hilb Group Delaware

Post by: 

G. Kevin Nemith CIC. CRM  President, Agency Leader for Hilb Group Delaware, 

 Xavier Bodnar Benefits Broker Hilb Group Delaware

Top 20 insurance brokers and risk managers in the USA. 

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