Increase in Benefits Plans Rates


Healthcare costs are on the rise, which is nothing new, but affects people every day. Businesses are seeing larger than usual rate increases with inflation and high claims rates. There is no easy solution to this and is a problem that will be around for a while.

                High rate increases year by year tend to lead healthcare plan policy holders to consider more options than their current insurance situation. When it comes to changing brokers, sometimes the grass is greener, sometimes it isn’t and that’s part of what makes dealing with rising rates so difficult. Every situation is different, and while increases are inevitable, recently some have been skyrocketing. A broker who has your best interest in mind, has the tools to provide competitive rates and great plans is key to you keeping a benefits plan that works well for you.

                Shopping your benefits package with several brokers isn’t always the great idea it seems to be. Sometimes if you have too many potential brokers your relationships with them may not be close enough for a plan that's created ideally for you. If you’re experiencing these high rate increases and thinking about making a change, feel free to reach out and see how Hilb could be a good fit for you.

 G. Kevin Nemith ,  Hilb Group Delaware  

Xavier Bodnar , Hilb Group Delaware

Post by: 

G. Kevin Nemith CIC. CRM  President, Agency Leader for Hilb Group Delaware, 

 Xavier Bodnar Benefits Broker Hilb Group Delaware

Top 20 insurance brokers and risk managers in the USA. 

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