Motor Vehicle Fatality Increase in the USA


The US has the highest motor vehicle passenger fatality rate out of the top 29 high income countries in the world. With what is seemingly a good road system in the US it makes you wonder why compared to other countries we have the highest fatality rate. Not only do we have the highest rate, but it has been increasing over the past few years. The United States has a significant increase in death percentage per hundred thousand residents since 2019, while on average the rest of countries considered high income countries have a significant decrease.

In over 47% of deaths, not wearing seatbelts were listed as a reason for the passenger dying. The second and third most common reasons were speeding and then distracted driving, including fatigue and substance use. Keeping employees aware of risks associated with such a basic and prevalent action is important for them and for you as a business owner or coworker. Errors while driving impact the driver and potentially anyone or anything around you and not only can be fatal, but very expensive.

The CDC’s main recommended solutions for preventing deaths during accidents are implementing and enforcing stricter laws with seatbelts, speeding, and maintaining focus while driving. While nationally there could be changes, within your business is a way to make sure the people around you are safe and not putting anyone’s assets at risk while driving. While it is a basic task to make sure you do correctly, it can be very dangerous too and is necessary to consider and take seriously.

 G. Kevin Nemith ,  Hilb Group Delaware  

Xavier Bodnar , Hilb Group Delaware

Post by: 

G. Kevin Nemith CIC. CRM  President, Agency Leader for Hilb Group Delaware, 

 Xavier Bodnar Benefits Broker Hilb Group Delaware

Top 20 insurance brokers and risk managers in the USA. 

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