Keeping Young Employees Safe

    Summertime is the best time of the year for most kids with all the free time that comes with summer break. That free time also creates a lot more minors looking for jobs. While this is beneficial to employers, having minors work for you means you must be aware of Child Labor Laws and regulations placed on employees under 18.

     Making sure managers are up to date on labor laws and are implementing them on your employees is a vital part hiring minors. Knowledge every manager should have includes equipment regulations, time records and other parts of the DOL’s Fair Labor Standards Act. Training young employees is also important, since they are less likely to know basics of the job and the regulations placed on them. If you are unsure of any rules you will need to follow, there are many resources available to you. The DOL’s Young Worker Toolkit is a useful tool for both employers and employees to understand and be aware of child labor laws.

              The influx of young employees during the summer is beneficial to kids and employers but is something that must be properly managed or there could be serious consequences. Not only are there federal laws, but state laws may be stricter and are necessary to monitor as well to make sure you do not violate these laws and you keep your employees safe.

 G. Kevin Nemith ,  Hilb Group Delaware  

Xavier Bodnar , Hilb Group Delaware

Post by: 

G. Kevin Nemith CIC. CRM  President, Agency Leader for Hilb Group Delaware, 

 Xavier Bodnar Benefits Broker Hilb Group Delaware

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