Can You Run Your Business By Your Gut Feelings ? It has It’s Place But You Need More.


Anyone who has run a business knows that many tough decisions are “gut”decisions. To move your business strategically,  you decide things with instinct only. However you can sharpen your instincts if you have good risk management data to help with those decisions. A risk management plan that discovers risk, and identifies the issues, helps decision making. The better the plan the better the decision. What risk management gives entrepreneurs is a safety net. When it is time to make those tough calls, you will have the benefit of good risk management data to support your “gut”. 

My next post will break out what makes a good risk management plan.

Until next time be careful out there and know your risks.

Posted By G. Kevin Nemith President CNC/Pfister Insurance , member of the Hilb Group of the Mid-Atlantic. 
